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Random Thoughts

This Blog focuses on faith and reason, tying rational thought with faith.

Location: Virginia, United States

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Time Robs Hope for Recovery

Heartbreaking cases like these demonstrate the need for a connection between faith and reason. Why? Because reason needs a basis on which to make such important decisions.

Read the referenced article, and count the contradictions. After 20 months, "Mack" regains consciousness, although the definition of a "persistent vegetative state" is only 3 months after oxygen deprivation. The chance that Schiavo can show any improvement is virtually nil. Yet most such patients die of infections or other ailments within 5 years. The chance of surviving 15 years is also virtually nil. "It is an illusion of consciousness, doctors say." Unless it's not, as in Mack's case.

So here is where faith must meet reason -- where we really don't know something. You have to have the faith to do the right thing anyway. Even, maybe especially, if it involves suffering.

And let's be clear about Schiavo's suffering: if the doctor's are correct and she feels nothing, then why are we starving her to death? But if they are wrong, and she does feel, then why are we starving her to death? Neither choice limits her suffering. Only ours.

"Be it done unto me according to thy word."


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