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Random Thoughts

This Blog focuses on faith and reason, tying rational thought with faith.

Location: Virginia, United States

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Mary Most Excellent

I heard a radio preacher this morning (try www.enduringtruth.org) that said that if you want God to use you for his purposes, you must strive for excellence. This sounded like a very Catholic interpretaion of works through faith. He went on to say that a great example was Mary -- she couldn't have been the mother of Jesus (i.e. the Theotokos, the Mother of God) if she wasn't most excellent.

Wow. How excellent must Mary have been to have been the instrument to bear God the Father's most excellent Son.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

CatholiCity : The Best Catholic Homepage

CatholiCity : The Best Catholic Homepage

OK, Catholicity wasn't rated as being 100% faithful, but mostly because they added a link to the Anglican Liturgy of the Hours site Universalis (there doesn't appear to be a Roman Hours site). Get "Pierced by a Sword", read it, and believe.

First Thoughts

Why would anyone want to read someone elses blog? Why would anyone spend the time to create one? It is presumptuous (and a little conceited) to believe that anybody else would be interested in one's thoughts.

So then, one can post thoughts, in humility, hoping to bring clarity to a complex world. Let's hope this experiment proceeds with this thought.

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