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Random Thoughts

This Blog focuses on faith and reason, tying rational thought with faith.

Location: Virginia, United States

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sacred Science: Using Faith to Explain Anomalies in Physics: Scientific American

Sacred Science: Using Faith to Explain Anomalies in Physics: Scientific American

Like most such articles, the author takes a most unscientific view of God -- that is, he assumes God does not exist, and explains everything in these terms. Now, explaining anything using the existence of God from the outset is foolishness. Even the Catholic Church, whose very trade is in miracles, takes a very sober view of them - saints aren't declared haphazardly. But either God exists or He doesn't, and a scientific attitude would leave the question open.

Rather, science can examine miracles. We would have to record enough preconditions to the miraculous event to declare that the event could not have happened without a miracle. And then the result would not be repeatable. Not repeatable? Of course - that's why it's a miracle.

I don't expect to see such evidence presented anytime soon though. It would take a truly remarkable scientist and man of faith to record the details of miracle with such evidence that skeptics would be moved. The religious scientist would likely be too moved himself (herself) to be objective. And a non-believer (or should I say, a believer in no God) would most likely bury the evidence.


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