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Random Thoughts

This Blog focuses on faith and reason, tying rational thought with faith.

Location: Virginia, United States

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Earth's Learning Curve - Issues 2006 - MSNBC.com

This is an odd article coming from Newsweek. Basically, it says that the world is getting to be a better and better place, and knowledge is not the same as wisdom. That, of course, is the answer to our search for Faith and Reason. This is, as the article remarks, a very old question -- "What is the Good Life?"

The author (Fareed Zakaria) notes that knowledge doesn't produce good sense, courage, generosity, tolerance, he notes, most crucially, the farsightedness that will allow us all to live together without war chaos and catastrophe. But I must ask, why is it so obvious that those are Good things. Sure, we like to be around courageous people, but is courage good for us? Prove it.

We can whittle down all of these things in this fashion, and I won't fill this blog with that, because it doesn't solve the problem. Just like you can't solve the problem of where the universe came from, you can't solve where "Good" came from.

One can claim that they came from the same place though. The universe, that is, all of creation, is good. All the items in Zakaria's list can be declared good only if there is some ultimate Good. That is: God.

Good work Newsweek!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was wondering if perhaps you had seen this article:


It's been getting a lot of publicity lately....unfortunately most of it negative.

Thought that you might perhaps be interested.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:30:00 AM  

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